#im ethan lane
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ijnmklpo · 24 days ago
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oldfatherkatharina · 25 days ago
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liverpool-enjoyer · 3 months ago
Would you mind ranking the mission impossible movies from best to worst?
now ik you said best to worst but imma go from worst to best cause i think thats more dramatique
7. mission: impossible 2 low hanging fruit i know. look i dont dislike this movie - im a diehard m:i fan, so i like all of them. this movie has its moments, n i rlly like john woo as a director, n i loved the rock climbing scene n knife stunt. the romance rlly brings it down for me tho, felt very shoehorned in there.
6. mission: impossible 3 here bc its better than 2 but not as good as 1. loved that it introduced my goats julia n benji, n i loved the building jump n the running scene. rlly solid movie, only this low bc i like the others more.
5. mission: impossible ik its pretty criminal to have the original at number FIVE, but the next four are just so goated. now obviously this movie is great, its the og. but tbh it doesnt stand out to me as much as the others do, doesnt have as much of a huge action setpiece that we've come to love. plus, modern day tom cruise wouldve done that helicopter in the tunnel bit for real.
now i call this next category the FOUR MOVIE PERFECTION RUN,,, bc thats what it is. every one of these next four are absolutely perfect in my eyes, n i could see any of them being someones number one
4. mission: impossible - ghost protocol perfect. down to the last minute detail. i,,, i mean where do i begin. THE burj khalifa stunt. adding benji to the team permanently. paula patton beating ass. the dude from lost dying like five minutes in. tying up the loose end that is ethan n julia. n ik this is niche but the lil outfit change ethan does when hes leaving the kremlin gets me every time. gosh theres just,,, SO much to love abt this movie idk what more i can say. this one was my mission impossible gateway drug.
3. mission: impossible - dead reckoning ok hear me out HEAR ME OUT. before you get mad. OBJECTIVELY SPEAKING, this is the best one. this is THE best one. but this is my personal ranking. the reason i put rogue nation n fallout over this MASTERPIECE is purely bc of,,, The Thing. yknow. the thing that happens to that one character. that one very beloved character. if youve seen the movie you know what i mean. but if youre not a mission fan, n youre not emotionally attached to these characters like i am, this is the best one. unfortunately, i am very emotionally attached to ethan n his pals.
2. mission: impossible - fallout now,,, what can i say abt fallout that hasnt already been said. its perfection. perfect, down to the last minute detail. the STUNTS. the continuity from rogue nation. introducing alanna n having her stab a man while wearing this GORGEOUS white two piece that i still think abt to this day. bringing back solomon lanes bitch ass. bringing back ILSA who is literally my number one my goat my everything. n tell me how every action setpiece n fight is imbedded with fucking CRACK. the club bathroom fight, the HALO jump, ilsa n benji duking it out w lane in that little shack, ethan n walker duking it out on a cliff, THE WHOLE ASS HELICOPTER SEQUENCE where tom cruise just casually flew a helicopter as one does. n OHMYGOSH THE RUNNING. im a simple man ok i could literally watch nine hours of simon pegg telling tom cruise where to run. oh also the fucking fake out in the beginning w the fucking hospital room n benji impersonating that cnn fellow is literally the most impressive thing in the series to me. i was FLABBERGASTED. ok i know im just rambling n listing things but this movie is just,,, so, so good
1 mission impossible - rogue nation see. im aware that fallout n dead reckoning are objectively better than rogue nation. however,,, nostalgias one HELLUVA drug. this movie came out when my family was moving n i was SUPER emo abt it. but i had been looking forward to this movie for like years at that point n even tho i was going through a tough time i was SO stoked to see rogue nation. n rlly i feel like its the perfect mission impossible movie. luthers back after being absent in ghost protocol. tom cruise holding his breath for six fucking minutes as one does. benji is the damsel in distress. n how could i forget the fact that this movie introduces THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE SERIES??? ilsa my GOAT. notice how the three movies shes in are the top three,,, yeah shes the best written character in the series not to mention shes uh just rlly cool n yeah. this blog proudly promotes ilsa faust supremacy.
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albaharu · 1 year ago
Choose your Mission Part 3
Masterlist ; Part 1 ; Part 2
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The screen fades to black, but you can hear a faint sound of water falling from below. Ethan plays 4D chess on his head to guess what Lane wants. He would go to save Grace from drowing on a room filled with water first, and Lane knows that. Benji points out the water in her room didn't start to fall until now, indicating that Lane might have a remote control. Maybe going to find Grace is the trap, and the way to truly save her is meeting with Lane. Or maybe that's what Lane wants you to think. >> Because you are playing as ETHAN, leaving anyone behind is removed from the options.
This action will have consequences.
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saltyfilmmajor · 10 months ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Mission: Impossible (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ethan Hunt/Solomon Lane Characters: Ethan Hunt, Solomon Lane, Ilsa Faust Additional Tags: Movie: Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Minor Character Death, Enemies to Lovers, Canon-Typical Violence, Smut, Angst, Typical Espionage Truama, Character Study, Takes place during the 6 month time skip Summary:
"He’s playing a losing hand, meeting with Lane like this without knowing much other than what Ilsa gave him. But if a losing hand is all he has, then a losing hand he will have to play."
Ethan Hunt is on the run from the CIA, chasing after Solomon Lane. Somehow, they both find themselves in over their heads.
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gothicknightz · 2 years ago
3am pt. 2 | ethan landry
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notes: omg you guys 😭😭 i love appreciate every one of you ty for keeping the hype alive, SCREAM 6 SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT
She awoke up in a horrible cold sweat, having the worst nightmare about getting attacked by Ghostface on her way back from a party Chad had invited her to.
Sitting up in a disarray and out of breath, the quick pain shooting from the side of her stomach hitting instantly.
So it wasn't a dream.
Now sitting up, her heart was racing as she looked around and spotted Ethan, her boyfriend, passed out on a nearby chair, his phone still in hand.
She could barely remember what had happened before she passed out, but she assumed that Ethan had found her.
Then his phone started to ring.
This startled Ethan awake, nearly dropping his phone in the process. As he noticed his girlfriend in front of him, he rushed over to her side immediately.
“(y/n), you're awake.”
He was careful when it came to hugging her, as her stab wound was recently patched up, and it was a miracle that the knife didn't hit any vital organs.
"Yeah," She mumbled, groaning as she attempted to sit up, "Someone's callin' you, Ethan." Her eyes flashed to caller I.D, which flashed a picture of Chad in a Hawaiian shirt and cowboy hat.
Ethan was too tired to react properly, and in turn, picked up the phone without a proper introduction or 'yeah.' Instead, the news was dropped onto him that Anika and Quinn were murdered by Ghostface.
"What?" His face was painted in a look of shock as he glanced worriedly at (y/n), holding her closer yet gently.
"How's (y/n), is she doing alright?"
"She's a fighter. I'll be there."
As he hung up, Ethan turned to his girlfriend and planted a kiss on her head, "Look," He said, placing an arm around her shoulders, "Anika and Quinn were murdered, and I- I'm gonna go check up with everyone, okay?"
(y/n) shook her head dismissively before pushing herself upwards, Ethan quickly going to her side for her aid, "I'm coming whether you like it or not. I wanna catch this guy as much as I want him dead."
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
As Ethan and (y/n) arrive at the crime scene, Mindy was fairly accusatory after the death of her girlfriend, Anika, to which Ethan brought up the fact that he was with (y/n) at the hospital after her attack.
"Mindy, what the hell?" (y/n) ran a hand through her hair as she sat on one of the open ambulances, sighing, "I've literally been in the hospital. How could Ethan be the killer?"
"Maybe that's the cover-up. Maybe he had someone paid to dress up as Ghostface and stab you. Maybe you two are both in on it. Just think about what happened with Richie and Amber."
This annoyed (y/n), who got up and pointed to her right lateral side, "I literally got fucking stabbed! Lay off the accusations, expert, your girlfriend just dropped dead."
Mindy narrowed her eyes at the pair before being held back by her brother, who was subsequently followed by Gale brining up something that the gang would want to see.
In a matter of minutes, the group of teenagers accompanied by Kirby, Gale, and Detective Bailey, were all at some supposed 'Stab' shrine in which all of the costumes and clothes of victims were compiled into an abandoned movie theatre.
Unsettled by the fact that the past was unearthed in front of her, (y/n) was by Ethan's side the entire time, not understanding any of the backstory that came with the tragedy.
Taking a dark trip down memory lane, (y/n) sighed before the words of Kirby got her attention, dragging a way to catch, or at least, trace the killer.
Hopefully, this was the end of it.
(ughhhhhhhh im not satisfied with this ending, you know there's automatically going to be more.)
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helyiios · 1 year ago
not to be biased but i deeply believe that benji is smarter than ethan on a strictly academic level, and that he’s made an actual choice of being good and not straight up cook up an IA to destroy the world, because i know in my bones that he’d have the skills for it. benji is not only smart but he’s a hard worker, and i feel like he’s part of those highly savant people that could hold the world in the palm of their hands if he hadn’t taken the path of working for the IMF. like. his humanity is what makes him the heart of the team because at the bottom of it all, he’s a man that feels deeply and unashamedly. that’s why he would never join the syndicate or any organisation of the like, even if he and lane would be PERFECT work partners. on a strictly mental and scholarly level? he’d make an insanely dangerous villain. he can lie and fool a polygraph, he gets extremely angry extremely fast, he works under pressure and still manages to make everything work, he’s trained in hand in hand combat, he can hack, all im saying is. watch out for benji. and i wish we’d seen a more shallow part of his character on screen. that’s it for the serious post of the month, back to piss and poop jokes
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cardistrymagic · 2 years ago
MI7 spoilers (my long rant)
extremely religious takes on the enemy lmao. i think because i'm a sucker for tech being used in spy movies that the airport scene was my favourite. 1. ethan not being found through the cctv- what a fun intro! 2. benji with the bomb- nice to see him do something...( i mean you made me think him running in the airport trailer scene was important 🙄)
IMF team: luther talked more than he has in other movies and i demand more. thanks. i kinda wish they'd use the team more ig. because they are literal field agents so they can fight? i hope? and the whole train scene benji was just gone like waiting thinking "wow he should be here by now" like LET HIM DO SOMETHING!!!
the fact that the entity has control over lots of techy stuff so benji n luther cant really do much??? makes me sad. like let them talk to each other :( i like the gadgets. i liked the little banter luther n benji had.
lastly- the scene where ethan jumps off the cliff- only women are in his flashbacks?? like i thought we'd established the IMF team as his. family lowkey y'know. it was just like okay...
in venice: white widow wasnt bad i guess. the benji dupe voice- love how it played on ethan's loyalty! i think it showed well how dangerous the enemy was- but for some reason i'm still more afraid of the past villain- lane, due to the many examples and horrors he's actually committed. ig im not into the blue ai enemy.
grace: my one thing is that i get that she might have had to be brought into the team to be safe BUT compared to ilsa, she is a pickpocket. a crime commiter at best. she is not at the level of a field agent (unless plot armour??) . not much fighting skills. to me she's kinda a liability. not to mention her constantly running away like. i was endeared to her at the airport because of her confidence. i get that maybe she becomes aware of the world-threatening shitshow she's been dragged into unwillingly but still. idk if she's cut out for the job. compared to ilsa a literal ex-agent with ties to MI6. even on the goddamn train she didnt really trust ethan YOU almost DIED?! if not for the plot armour of ethan parachuting into the carriage. girl literally almost killed him by handcuffing him to the car like very funny he just saved your life. literally not trusting ethan on the piano scene What? i dont care thats shes a orphan you've literallly been through so much. with ethan.
one second she's like not able to do much besides throwing a key around. on the other hand she can fight knife to knife with a super skilled killer (gabriel) like what? a citizen thrown into stuff out of her league-driving a car (she cant) playing a good white widow (id forgive her for never doing this ever) and the train (ok thats fine) like i just dont see the value of her being in the team besides being able to play. a woman? which im sure the og team could do to be honest. . can grace shoot a gun?
btw i feel like her relationship w/ ethan moves so fast?
grace: i dont trust you. i will let the police capture you. you saved my life but im still running!! i messed your plans up (sorry)
ethan:( holds her face) my life is worth less than yours.
What is this intimacy??affection idk closeness? i know ethan is a loyal guy but???
villain: dark messiah. death as a gift. ghost. ai. gabriel (angel wow) i love more religious imagery. the flashback was like a decent window into ethan lore BEFORE imf (oooo) but i just dont really get what gabriel wants? the entity is messing shit up already. and gabriel seems to already work with it (comms faked in venice) i assume that ethan is a variable the entity needs to eliminate but just kill him? hahaha? gabriel probably likes seeing ethan suffer but compared to lane's stuff i'm not really. amused. (ethan literally has nightmares about lane)
also paris i didnt even know if they ever said her name? she was angry and dressed up and had some rabid dog scenes (like go girl) but i hope she does more in the next part! like the part where she holds up ethan and grace with a stab wound (woah. strong)
other stuff: the dutch angles being used in like 50% of the shots like CALM DOWN i love the mi:1 references but were they always so disorieting maybe im just getting old
the scenes? ilsa dies and ethan looks a bit distressed. the scene where they're hugging was so like woah okay but felt really like. shoved in there like. Okay yeah something bad is gonna happen to her 😭😭
in the end, rogue nation + ghost protocol are still my #1s. characters like brandt and ilsa had really interesting backgrounds and fit into the IMF team easily- the films centering around their teamwork is why i got so into MI in the first place. grace doesn't offer any like addition i dont think she can even bicker with the team for funsies (like brandt/ilsa) . she's not cool shes a poor girl that didnt know what she was getting into 😭
things i did like:
action scenes. awesome((besides the lack of luther and benji there)) ilsa being awesome in the desert
the cinematography (beautiful. as always.)
everyone in suits ( lawyer ethan. benji. )
thanks for reading and feel free to yell at me about your thoughts!!!!!
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ethansutter · 2 days ago
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"I had a plan. And then life happened." Name: Ethan Sutter Age: Thirty Location: Kerry Town
Ethan Sutter was Ann Arbor's golden boy once— the kid with a full-ride swimming scholarship, a future paved in Olympic gold, and a last name people actually remembered. He spent years in the water, years becoming someone, only to have it all slip away thanks to a shoulder injury that didn't care about his dreams. After a long, bitter stretch of pretending he could still be that guy, Ethan finally did what his mother had been telling him to do for years— he came home.
Now, he's a high school coach, standing on the pool deck instead of in the lanes, trying to figure out if he still loves the sport of if he just doesn't know how to walk away from it. He tells himself it's fine. That this is fine. But there's a difference between settling in and settling, and he still can't quite tell which one he's doing.
possible connections: friends he grew up with in ann arbor, his younger sister, parents of the kids he coaches, former romantic connections (serious or otherwise), current romantic connections (serious or otherwise)-- im open to almost anything for him!
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ladyinbl00d · 15 days ago
gimme what i want who am i supposed to please?
who am i supposed to please? who am i?
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𝐇𝐈 im davi and welcome to my blog!! ♡
𝐈𝐌 a minor (not giving away my age yet but i am in high school!! dont kill me for not saying anything. im begging on my knees.) and i love spending my time overanalyzing fictional characters, reading a ton of movie or tv show scripts & fanfiction, writing, and watching far too much television!! my birthday is february 25th, my mbti is ISFP, and my hogwarts house is gryffindor!! if you care about those sorts of things LMAO
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𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 things i love: MISTYNAT. yellowjackets, the lost boys, the legend series by marie lu, shameless (US), gossip girl, arcane, thrashin’ (1986), scream 2 & 6, the outsiders, daria, the walking dead, the black phone, listening to music, editing, horror movies, cannibalistic writing, the 80s & 90s, combat boots, penciled eyeliner, leather jackets, texting my friends, tommy lee, sleeping, collecting cds & dvds, making pinterest boards, doomscrolling on tiktok, twitter, or here, pizza rolls, painting my (nonexistent) nails, riot grrl music, watching old concerts of my favorite bands & artists on youtube, procrastinating school work, and the colors: black, pink, gray, sliver.
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𝐌𝐘 favorite characters: natalie scatorccio, misty quigley, van palmer, mandy milkovich, karen jackson, jenny humphrey, eric van der woodsen, daria morgendorffer, jane lane, trent lane, mallory knox, paul, marko, dwayne, and david (the lost boys), mickey altieri, randy meeks, ethan landry, daniel "day" altan wing, june iparis, dallas winston, ponyboy curtis, finney blake, vance hopper + far too many more 😭
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𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐒 & artists: mötley crüe, nirvana, hole, the runaways, joan jett & the blackhearts, bikini kill, deftones, blondie, mommy long legs, insane clown posse, sorry mom, nine inch nails, the neighborhood, radiohead, jeff buckley, ethel cain, ashley kutcher (fun fact, i met her at her concert), gigi perez, phoebe bridgers, and boygenius.       
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alicedoessurveys · 5 months ago
35 Get to Know Me Questions
What is your nickname?
When is your birthday?
11th June
What was your longest relationship?
a few months. ive never had a proper full on boyfriend. im asexual so as soon as they start wanting that im like ick
What is your favourite book?
i have a few; The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy. The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. The Heartstopper Series. Many more but i cant list them all
What is something you're insecure about?
myself. just pretty much everything about myself.
5 Male celebrity crushes:
Pedro Pascal, Oscar Isaac, David Thewliss, Taika Waititi, Ethan Hawke
5 Female celebrity crushes:
Kate McKinnon, specifically in Ghostbusters... i cant think of any others that i class as crushes
What is your dream job?
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?
standing centre stage in front of a theatre full of people and acting my ass off after being told id never be able to because of my anxiety
What is a fact about you that nobody would believe?
ive perfomed on stage with Take That
What were your highs and lows for this last month?
highs; rehearsing for the show im in at the moment, getting my hair done, spending time with family, dnd with friends, seeing Jonas Brothers live, my mom getting the all clear from cancer!
lows; multiple anxiety attacks, finding out im going to be homeless in the new year
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit?
How do you de-stress?
Play sims. Have a bath. Have a nap. Cuddle my bunny.
What are your favourite apps besides tumblr?
Describe yourself in one sentence.
a bit weird, a bit awkward, but a nice person
What do you think makes you attractive?
my hair
What is something you're really good at?
What is something you're really bad at?
A time that you told a lie.
i honestly cant remember
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know?
in 2016 Mozart sold more CDs than Beyonce
Who knows you the best?
my cousin
What is your most prized possession?
a funko pop figure of my best friend rhys who died last year
What is your longest friendship?
rhys, we were friends since we were 3 and he was 28 when he died
When did you first feel like an adult?
probably driving a car on my own for the first time after passing my test
Do you/ Have you played any sports?
i dont play sports but i do dance and im looking at maybe joining a netball team in the new year
How are you feeling right now?
a bit anxious, health anxiety is kicking my butt
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
night owl
Do you believe in love at first sight?
for me personally no, i think i need to get to know someone well first
Favourite song lyrics right now?
"Maybe it's okay, if I'm not okay, cause the one who holds the world is holding on to me. Maybe it's alright, if I'm not alright, cause the one who holds the stars is holding my whole life."
What does self care look like for you?
allowing myself to have a lazy day. sitting on the sofa all day, watching films, playing video games, not doing housework
Describe yourself with 3 singers.
the singer whose songs i relate to the most is Cat Burns
What makes you nervous?
like, everything 🤣
What’s a pet peeve you have?
people being unkind
What will always make you cry?
so much, especially since my bestie died. im an emotional wreck.
What kind of first impression do you think you make on people?
im usually pretty shy and quiet at first so most people see me like that
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honuofhawaii · 2 years ago
Im not alone in this desire!? Like I see Ilsa and Ethan as queer platonic partners and Ethan and Benji as more on the romantic side of things (though they could be in another qpr, I just operate under the assumption that alloromantic people generally desire romantic relationships and I don’t headcanon Ethan or Benji as Aro) and I think they have potential for romantic chemistry. There something about how Ilsa and Ethan have a high level of proficiency in similar skills, their equality as field agents and this inherent trust they barely needed to develop that feels so queer platonic. As much as Ethan will always be worried and be protective of his team, Ilsa is someone he can trust to protect herself and protect others. Example with Dead Reckoning spoilers at end of post. 
He absolutely trusts Benji with his life even when Benji’s hype has him going “uh you sure I can do this, please remember I am a human” He and Benji have complementary skills. Benji can work in the field, but he will always have a better awareness of technology and how to use it. He can accomplish the main mission while Ethan causes the risky distraction, or make the riskier play. 
I think about the scene in Rogue Nation where its Ilsa with a gun, Benji strapped to a bomb and sitting on a pressure sensor, and Ethan with a bunch of account numbers memorized and a stone cold poker face. In my mind, when Ethan squeezes Benji’s shoulder he really wants to kiss his forehead. The nonverbal communications! The interactions there, Ethan has multiple goals, the first of which is to stop the countdown, which he does by proving he memorized at least one account and claiming he has the only copy of the disk. The second is Benji’s escape. He gets Lane to release Benji by telling Ilsa to shoot him if Lane’s men don't let Benji go. He gives Benji the phone and Benji gets away from danger. The third goal is to get both himself and Ilsa out of the cafe. I love the scene bc he just stands in front of her while she shoots, and they work around each other. It's great. the Fourth goal is getting Lane into the open and following Ethan into a trap. 
Anyway I don't know if Ive managed to get across my thoughts...ive mostly been pointing at things and being like “do you see what I mean”...but I think I can sum up as Ethan loves his team and he loves them in different ways and it might be correlated by how he pulls them close/sends them away depending on the situation. On another note I think he considered Luther his brother, they've been working together for years and absolutely trust one another’s judgment. 
Id be curious about your thoughts. I would love to see more casual intimacy between Ethan and Benji. I have no idea what relationship I think exists between Ilsa and Benji, but Ethan definitely has two hands and is capable of a range of desires for different types of relationships. 
Spoilers for DRpt1
The moment when Ethan is given the choice between Grace and Ilsa, he keeps Grace close bc she needs his protection, and tells Ilsa to run bc he trust her to protect herself.
End of Spoilers
thinking about the bit in DR1 with Ilsa and Ethan on the balcony and how I stg (would need to watch the movie again to confirm) before the scene cuts he moves to kiss her hair. Absolutely wretched over this because I love it for them so fucking much and I wish so badly that Ethan and Benji could also have that kind of casual intimacy on screen. For their sake. And for the purposes of my Queer-Platonic Polyamorous Agenda. It isn’t going to happen fine whatever catch me in the corner imagining what we could have in a perfect world (Ethan and Benji casually holding hands)
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albaharu · 1 year ago
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Lane/Ethan in honor of the very cool fics @saltyfilmmajor writes about them 🙏
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saltyfilmmajor · 1 year ago
Im high on nyquill but follow me here
Ethan is like the entity in that he can change whoever he is to undermine the government snd exploit its weaknesses
Lane is like the entity in that he is often described as omnipresent, someone who the characters state is a master manipulator, to get the outcome he wants
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vintagedolan · 5 years ago
going makeup shopping w ethan🥺 helping him pick out his shade
🥺🥺 helping ethan pick out his makeup and finding his shade
“Do you wanna go to sephora? They have employees there that can actually match you.” You held his hand on the console, thumb running over his hand.
“That’s... a little intimidating for me. Can you match me? Or no.” His voice was small, nerves that you weren’t used to hearing from your extroverted boyfriend creeping in.
“Okay, that’s okay. We can find you some stuff to start with somewhere else. Target?” 
He nodded, chewing on his bottom lip, his other hand palming the wheel as he drove down the highway. You squeezed his hand, moving to turn up the radio with the other, knowing that music was probably the only thing that could calm him down.
He’d asked you about makeup a few days prior - it had broken your heart the way he’d brought it up.
“Would you care if I wore makeup? Like would it make you look at me differently?” 
“Of course I wouldn’t care baby. Why do you ask?”
“I was thinking about maybe... just like something small, not the whole deal, just something for the... ya know, for the scars.”
It was set after that - you’d support him every step of the way. Which meant you found yourselves in the makeup aisle of Target twenty minutes later, Ethan’s fingers delicate as he flicked through some of the hanging pressed powders, brows furrowed.
“Do I need like, foundation? Or concealer? Or do I need both. I feel like when other people did my makeup they used both.”
“Well, if you want it I can match you for both of those, but if you wanna keep it simple we can just get you a light coverage matte foundation. Something easy that you’d just pat on in the mornings. That sound good?” 
He nodded, moving a bit closer to you as you searched through the powder foundations. You picked up a few, holding them up to skin, testing. He just watched you, still nervous about the whole thing, eye flickering around to see if anyone was watching. 
He only got his breathing back to normal when you’d checked out and were back in the car. So you couldn’t help the pride you felt when just two months later he was posting pictures of himself with that same little pressed pack - the second one he’d bought after he used the first one - unashamed and confident
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lemondoddle · 4 years ago
every day im thankful for whatever deity out there that made me asexual because ive seen the things you people post when youre horny and frankly im concerned for all of you
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